
Explore Your Curiousity

This is where I share the tips, techniques, and viewpoints that have led to my success on the water. I am not a guide or expert angler, though I believe this is a sport of lifetime learning where the most successful angler is the most curious one. I also believe teaching is the best way to learn and grow as an angler, so I hope sharing these insights benefits me as much as it does you. Not only do I share practical tips that will help you catch more fish, but I also share perspectives to ponder in fishing and life. 

Fishing in the Winter

Winter Dry Fly Fishing

Some of our most famous rivers here in the Greater Yellowstone Region (GYR) go desolate in the winter months. Most anglers are off fishing the saltwater, enjoying the holidays, and planning next summer’s trip to Montana. Little do they know, the winter months offer some of the best dry fly fishing of the year.    Though I have much more to learn, I have spent the last few winter seasons sharpening my dry fly skills.

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A Madison River Brown Trout

Question Your Experiences

The experiences you have fishing represent .001% of what occurs in fly fishing but represent 99% of what you believe to be true in the sport.     We all have experiences on the water that shape us as anglers. These experiences shape why we fish a certain way, where we fish, and what flies we fish. First-hand experiences are the building blocks for our opinions and beliefs in the sport.    What we fail to

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Success is Relative

On a recent fall fishing trip, we waded into a river from which I have learned so much over the years. It was a glorious, surreal morning. Mist lifted from the river as the sun rose over the vast pine tree forest. A moose trotted by us as the bugle of a bull elk made for background noise. All while the anticipation and excitement for a full day of fishing released with the first cast.

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Fishing with friends in Yellowstone

What To Look For in a Fishing Buddy.

Friends made on the water are special, the experiences shared with your fishing buddies are priceless, and the best days on the water always include great company.    While these connections are deep, they are not easy to come by. Good fishing friends are rare. That’s why I wrote this article. To give you some insight into what I look for in the people I fish with in hopes it helps you choose your fishing

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Westslope Cutthroat Trout

The Most Important Factor In The Success Of Your Fishing Trip

A friend and I went out for a quick evening with the intention of fishing a small stream in the area. Rigged with a three-weight, we were excited to cast dries to the small fish that inhabited the stream. The weather shifted and our plans changed last second to hike to a lake that had been on our minds. This resulted in a few beautiful trout caught, including my biggest westslope cutthroat trout to date.

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Tips for Fly Fishing Terrestrial Season

It’s early August and we are coming into prime terrestrial season here in Southwest Montana and the Greater Yellowstone Area. Terrestrials provide epic dry fly fishing in the late summer when the abundant insect hatches dwindle. What is a terrestrial? A terrestrial is simply an insect that is born and spends its life on the land, rather than hatching from the river. These bugs live near the river banks and occasionally fall into the river,

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Best Flies for Fishing in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is grounded in fly fishing history. It is the lifeblood and starting point of many of the famous rivers in the area. With many rivers and lakes to explore and the opportunity to catch native fish, it is a fly fisherman’s paradise.    There is no place in the world I would rather be than casting a fly in Yellowstone National Park. I have spent my fair share of days fishing in

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Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout

What Goes Into Catching a Special Fish?

On a recent trip, I couldn’t help but ponder what all goes into catching a special fish on a fly rod. Whatever special means to you.  A dear fishing friend and I talked through this topic as we made the final hike back on what was an epic but challenging trip. We experienced many ups and downs over the last few days of fishing and it made us realize what all goes into catching the

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How I Improved My Dry Fly Fishing

Dry fly fishing is the pinnacle of fly fishing for trout. Watching a trout rise to your dry fly is why many of us anglers got into the sport. Dry fly fishing is my favorite way to target trout, though it is not always the easiest.    Over the last few years, I have improved my dry fly fishing skills through time on the water and many failures. From spooking trout with my first cast

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Brown Trout with a salmon fly.

Fish True To Yourself

I experienced a relieving moment this last weekend. This feeling left me feeling so alive and grateful walking back to the truck. I want you to experience it too.  Maybe this quick story helps you better understand what fly fishing means to you.   I explored a section of river this last weekend that I have fished many times before but at different times of the year. I was excited to see this fishery in

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Why There Are No Secret Fishing Spots

“Secret” fishing spots are funny to me. Almost all anglers have a few locations they try not to tell others about. This could be an alpine lake that takes effort to get to or just a specific boulder on the Madison River. Whatever it is, anglers TRY to keep these spots hidden from other anglers for fear others will find out for themselves how special they are. If the word gets to the wrong person,

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Five Best Flies for the Upper Madison in the Spring

Best Flies for the Upper Madison In The Spring The Madison River needs no introduction. A legendary fishery that has a long history of being one the best in the Greater Yellowstone Region. In this article, I share my best flies for the upper Madison in the spring.    I have been lucky enough to  spend a lot of my time fly fishing over the last few years on the Madison. Many legendary anglers have

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